Monday, January 25, 2021



Weekly Update


Phonics: s blends

Math- Unit 4: add and subtract within 10

Reading- Groundhog’s Day

Sight words- keep, away, ran, can’t, on, this, if, Monday

*Word list 10


Phonics Reader I Did It is tonight’s homework, please send back Friday. Students will read this book each night. Sign and return on Friday.


Every night students should read their black and white phonics reader and go over their sight words. If students missed any words on the wordlist, they need to go over those multiple times as well.


Valentine’s Party

We will have a Valentine exchange and party on Feb. 12th (Friday). Students can send cards to exchange. Just have your child write their name in the ‘from’ section and they can pass them out to their classmates. We do not put anything in the ‘to’ section.

Students can create a Valentine’s box if they want to. Otherwise, just send a bag for them to put the cards they collect.

Monday, January 11, 2021



Weekly Update


Phonics: VCCV rule (vowel consonant consonant vowel) this rule teaches us to break down bigger words into smaller parts to blend.

Math- Beginning unit 4: add and subtract within 10

Reading and Social Studies- Martin Luther King Jr.


Sight words- Review of all words

*Word list 8


Phonics Reader ZIP is tonight’s homework, please send back Friday. Students will read this book each night. Sign and return on Friday.


Every night students should read their black and white phonics reader and go over their sight words. Several students had difficulty last week, so please make this a priority.


List of all sight words are on the back.



Report cards on the 13th

No school on the 18th

Class picture day on the 19th

Tuesday, January 5, 2021



Weekly Update


Phonics: ar, er, or, ir

Math- Review

Reading and Social Studies- Winter


Sight words- House, come, in, let, said, no

*Word list 7-This will come home tomorrow night; we didn’t get to it today.


Phonics Reader is tonight’s homework, please send back Friday. Students will read The Big Trip every night. Sign and return on Friday.


Today was a day of trying to organize and review. Please try to locate you child’s book baggie. I gave out extras to those who did not have one today but would prefer they had the first one with their names and passwords.


Orange student login cards also need to be sent back if you can find those.


Everyone did great with Their mask today. I was proud of them. They may need their hands and wrist massaged tonight they said they were sore from all this writing.J

Sight words for this week are on the back.











I like that little house.

He said, “the flower is pretty.”

No, the cat cannot come in my house.

Come in here!

“Let the dog run here,” she said.

What will you let me make?