Monday, February 8, 2021


 Weekly Update


Phonics: blends

Math-Completing Unit 4: add and subtract within 10

Reading- 100th day/ Valentine’s Day

Sight words- your, when, that, say, look, go, hot, Wednesday

*Word list 12

*Phonics Reader, Spin to Win, is tonight’s homework, please send back Friday. Students will read this book each night. Sign and return on Friday. Please leave book baggies at home until Friday.

*Every night students should read their black and white phonics reader and go over their sight words. If students missed any words on the wordlist, they need to go over those multiple times as well.

*Thursday is Kindergarten running club day.

*Just a reminder that there are no scheduled days off in Feb. or March. I believe the calendar in the handbook may state otherwise. It was revised because we started school later. Our next scheduled days off our Spring Break (April 5th -9th ). I have printed the calendar to the back of this note.

*I know there is a slight chance for bad weather this week. Please make sure you have the NTI packet I sent home a few weeks ago. There is three days’ worth of work in that envelope. They are labeled day 1, day 2, and day 3. If we were to use a NTI day for weather, this is what the students will work on.

100th day-We will celebrate Wednesday. Students can dress like they are 100 if they want to.

Valentine’s Party-We will have a Valentine exchange and party on Feb. 12th (Friday).

Students can create a Valentine’s box if they want to. Otherwise, just send a bag for them to put the cards they collect. This can be sent on Friday the 12th.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our 100th day or Valentine’s Party. I appreciate it and I know the kids will too

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